Hi, I’m Farid,

Welcome to my website !

This is a compilation of info about me, my lastest project, and more.

Lastest projects
  • Self Driving Car

    Actually this project was my final project when in Diploma 3 at Universitas Gadjah Mada, I designed a self driving car system using GPS sensors and compass so that it could run autonomously. I also designed the GUI (Graphical User Interface) and programming algorithm used in the microcontroller, using Processing IDE and Arduino IDE as the main program in developing this final project. For those who are curious how it works, I have a video that I made myself about this self driving car (here).
    Some useful links about this project :

    • Read full journal article on (here).
    • Autonomous Robot Mobil Karya Laboratorium Instrumentasi dan Kendali SV UGM (here).
    • 7 Mahasiswa Tugas Akhir di Laboratorium Instrumentasi dan Kendali Wisuda Mei 2019 (here).
    • Youtube Video - Sistem Navigasi Berbasis Kompas dan Global Positioning System GPS pada Robot Miniatur Mobil (here).
    I also thank you very much to my lecturer and my friends:
    • Fahmizal, S.T., M.Sc. (here).
    • Muhammad Arrofiq, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
    • Sugeng Julianto, S.S.T.
    • Ma'ruf Shidiq, Galih Setyawan, Fajar Irawan, Deni Ari, Maulana Subagiyo, Bayu Ravelino, Afin Yolanta, Na'imun Unsy, Daffa Yanu, Fathan Fauzan, Ilham Kurniawan and all of my friends that i can't mention one by one.

  • Interactive Game with Processing IDE

    This time actually challenge given by my lecturer, I took this because it was a challenge for me to process images as input for interacting in game play, so using kinect as main input device and using a small projector to display the whole game, so that players could move freely to play this game, this game was intended for children to avoid passive games such as smartphone games. Created using Processing IDE. For those of you who are curious about the excitement of the game like what to watch this video (here).
    Some useful links about this project :

    • Youtube Video - Game Interaktif Berbasis Sensor Kinnect dan Processing IDE (here).